Check Out Bill's Jobs Bio / Top 10 ALRP & Career Milestones / Awards
ALRP / Executive Director 2000 - 2020
Tenderloin Self Help Center, Central City Hospitality House / Program Coordinator
Mental Health Advocacy Project of the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley / Directing Attorney
Mental Health Association of San Francisco / Executive Director
- Bill created the ALRP Immigrant HIV/AIDS Project (IHAP) which provides legal services to immigrants living with HIV
- Bill engineered the launch of the ALRP HIV/AIDS Insurance Protection Project (HIPP) which provides legal services to people living with HIV facing the loss of disability insurance
- Bill coordinated the ALRP takeover of the San Francisco HIV Consumer Advocacy Project (HCAP) which helps people living with HIV/AIDS to access publicly funded health care services
- Bill oversaw the creation and launch of the ALRP HIV 50+ Project to provide legal services focused on the specific needs of people living with HIV/AIDS who are over 50 years old, and the ALRP HIV Seniors Project for seniors living with HIV
- Bill helped lead budget advocacy efforts over the past decade which have resulted in millions of dollars of new funding for eviction prevention legal services, and funding to expand fair housing trainings for persons living with HIV/AIDS and their service providers (including ALRP)
- Bill helped lead budget advocacy efforts which have resulted in the City of San Francisco backfilling millions in dollars of cuts to its federal Ryan White CARE Act funding
- Bill helped lead budget advocacy efforts to secure a first time Cost of Doing Business (CODB) increase for San Francisco nonprofit agencies providing HIV health care services (including ALRP)
- Bill helped lead budget advocacy efforts to secure millions in dollars of funding for housing subsidies for people living with HIV/AIDS in San Francisco
- Bill grew ALRP’s operating budget from $650,000 to $2 million, growing the number of staff attorneys from 5 to 12
- Bill led the agency through many economic downturns and built up its financial reserves to ensure that its services would continue even if the agency faced another economic downturn, including saving ALRP from annihilation when it lost all of its Ryan White CARE Act funding in 2004
Appointed by Mayor Newsom to the San Francisco Long Term Care Coordinating Council
Appointed to the ABA Standing Committee on Lawyer Referral Services
Serves as a Co-Chair of the HIV/AIDS Provider Network (HAPN)
Received an Award of Excellence from the Mayor’s Office on Disability
Presented with the Mental Health Association of San Francisco Award of Excellence
Received an Award of Excellence from Patients’ Rights Advocacy Services
Presented with the Tenants Association Coalition Award of Excellence
Received an Award of Excellence from the Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom (BALIF)
Presented with the Harvey Milk Democratic Club Bill Krause AIDS Service Award
Received an Award for Excellence in Volunteer Management from The Volunteer Center
Presented with the American Bar Association Alexander Forger Award